Thursday, December 30, 2010

Target and Kroger

...again:) They seem to be the best (in my area) for scoring deals with coupons.

Kroger: Spent 15.01 on 62.49 worth of groceries!
Most of what we bought were necessities, but there are a few great deals that you should look for if you are headed to Kroger.

Bounty paper towels: (Regular price) 1.09
-.25 coupon from 12/16 Smart Source (store will triple)
Total: .34 cents a roll

Herbal Essence Shampoo/Conditioner/Styling products: Sale price 2.94 (buy two of each)
-(2) Buy one Herbal Essence Shampoo/Conditioner get a Styling product free (12/16 Smart Source)
-4.00 (Proctor and Gamble in store promotion when you buy four)
Total: 1.88 for all four or .47 cents each!

Charmin toilet paper 5.99 (price when you purchase 4 P&G items, pair this with other items you have coupons for, see the Kroger post below for more ideas! Those sales are still good this week!)
-3.00 ecoupon from
Total: 2.99 for double roll twelve pack

And the best deal of the day:)
Wholly queso and hot sauce (in the cold case of the produce department) are on sale buy one get one, which is terrific by itself. But, it gets better! Some of the containers have peelies on them for 'buy the hot sauce get the queso free' and vice versa. My store had both. Here's how the deal worked for me:
2 hot sauce for 3.69 each
2 queso for 4.99 each
Sub total: 17.36 (But because they are BOGO you only pay 8.68)
-2 peelies for free queso (4.99 each)
Total: 1.30 overage!

(If your store only has peelies for 'buy the queso get the hot sauce' it's still a great deal, only 1.30 for all four items!)

Target: 1.47! Saved 13.09
We needed batteries and I had a few Target coupons that were burning a hole in my pocket, so Otto and I stopped on our way home from Kroger. Check to find coupons for 1.50 off the light bulbs (on sale for 2.00), and for the shampoo (Regular price .94 and the coupon is for 1.00 a Suave product). The battery coupons came from the 12/12 Smart Source (1.00 off Energizer batteries), and many Targets have Everready batteries (Energizer brand) in the Dollar Spots.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Personal Care Products-Kroger

Fun trip to Kroger yesterday! They are having a four day sale, which ends tomorrow, so if any of this interests you run out and get it today.

We bought everything pictured above and spent 12.83. Seems high but meat is expensive (if only I could talk Chris into being a vegetarian...) and the coffee's practically jumped off the shelf into the cart. Those three items alone were 11.37 of my total. Everything else was only 1.46. Sweet! Remember to load your Kroger card with ecoupons, makes a huge difference!  

The above link shows you how to get the deals Otto and I did. Make sure you check out the other posts, lots of other deals are available and might be things that you need.

(Sorry for the late notice, I tried to upload these deals yesterday but Blogger was being ridiculous. Apparently I ran out of photo storage space and was going to have to pay (gasp!) for more room. But thanks to Flickr we're back in business!)

Personal Care Products-Target

At Target we found these items for a grand total of 1.30! Here's how we did it. I'm really loving copying the deals that this blogger posts; my little guy in proving to be accident prone, so  good deals on bandages are a great find for us.

(These deals should be good at least until next weekend if not a little longer.)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well, I said I wasn't going to post anything until after the first of the year, but I couldn't stay away from the coupons that long!

Otto and I made a trip to Target this morning and got a good deal on chips! We needed them anyway and would have spent 2.50 a bag or a total of ten dollars on chips alone, but thanks to coupons and the internets we purchased all of this for 13.66! We saved 19.14. Sweet!

4 bags of Tostitos chips
2 bottles of Pepsi
2 bags Snyders Snaps
2 jars Tostitos hot sauce
2 boxes of Crispix cereal

You could easily copy if you have a holiday party coming up:)
(Cereal not pictured)

(Just a note: My Target didn't have the tear pads with the pretzel coupon but the chip bags did have a peelie on them for a free Pepsi product. And you can only print one Target coupon per computer, if you have multiple computers print more and make this a better deal!)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


A blog page just about groceries?! Sweet!

And don't laugh at it...I spent most of the afternoon and the silly header is still crooked. Boo.

There are no coupon inserts in the paper on holiday weeks so the next few weeks will be kinda slow in coupon land. But check back January 1st and hopefully we'll find some great deals!

Merry Christmas people!